Monday, April 18, 2016

Jealousy is an Ugly Thing

Our first story comes from a person wanting to be know as DefBlonde3

            I work at a family style restaurant. You know, the kind that looks like a swap meet threw up all over the walls then threw in some pot stickers and now they come off as eccentric? My clientele consist of either families who don't want to talk to each other or couples who don't want to spend money on a real date.
           One evening I had an older couple sit in my section, they were in their late forties and they seemed like nice people. The whole visit was going well until a table of three younger ladies sat next to them.
           Now when I say younger I mean thirties as compared to the couple in their forties. The table of three ladies were out to have a good time, they were basically there to start the evening with a bunch of greasy food before they went on  a bender like only three grown women in their thirties can.
           It took a few minutes to get the drink order for the gals but I finally got it. It took even longer to take the order but once I put it in I was then able to drop the check on the couple. When I went to give them the tab I saw that the lady seemed upset, when I say upset I really mean pissed. I've been in this business long enough to know the difference between an upset customer you should listen to and the kind you shouldn't. The look of bat shit crazy that was coming out of her eyes said to me that she was the kind to ignore.
           They took the check up to the front where they asked for a manager. The boss came up and I could see her flaying her arms around and pointing at me across the dining room. The boss comes over and hands me the check which has no tip , OK I see she was upset but I had no idea why. It turns out she was pissed that I was too nice to the table of younger gals next to them.
           I guess I should have been more sensitive to the needs of a bitch who had been riding on her looks for years but now that she's older random guys don't want to fuck her anymore. How dare I look at another women when I should have been focusing on her....lady who I am not dating.
          I wish I remembered her name but I don't. All I know is that they were opening up a vape shop in the city. I wished I knew where it was so I could have bought a tube of oil of ole, tie it to a brick and then chuck it through their front window! That of course would be illegal, writing on this page seemed like a better idea, thanks for listening!


(Hi guys, don't forget to send your stories to !)

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Intro and Ground rules

To The Oppressed and The Bullied,
          When I was a kid I was taught to be a good person, to treat others with respect. In some way I thought we as people were supposed to try and leave this world a better place than we found it. That good will always overcome evil. As I got older I found that to be untrue.
          Good doesn't always win, sometimes people get things stolen from them and there is no way to get them back. Money can be replaced but honor and respect are hard to get back. That's why I started this blog. It's for those of us in the world who need to fight back against selfish assholes that make this world such horrible place to be in at times.
          However, before we get started we should set some boundaries so we don't become worse than the people we're writing about, so let us set some rules shall we?

          1. Anonymity- In order to protect myself as well as your employment we will need to make sure nothing is traced back to the person who is telling the story. Any names or places of said       story shall be changed to protect....our asses basically.
          2. Don't be a hateful jerk. I'm not going to print any story that bashes someone because of the race or creed....only their behavior .
          3. Any pics that are submitted must have the faces or logos of place of business edited out. Do   we want to stick it to these shitbags? Yes we do , but lets protect ourselves from any liable suits shall we?
          4. I am not a priest or a counselor. If you send me a story about you doing something illegal and I get asked about it from any law enforcement agency I will corporate with any information that I was given by the person who submitted the story. To clarify, law enforcement and companies are not considered the same thing. A detective wants answers, I will give them. Your boss wants answers from me, I'm not saying anything.
          5. Any story that is submitted to this page is not guaranteed to be published. Depending on the story or the quantity or stories that are submitted I might not be able to publish everyone. Do a good job or writing a story and it will eventually get up.
          6. This blog is a "fictional" blog, as any similarities between characters in the stories and persons alive or dead is purely coincidental.

Submitting a story is easy. How this will work is you send your story via email to
Make sure you follow the rules above and give yourself a screen name so I can credit the person who wrote the story.

As with all works of art, things will need to grow. If this blog does well I'll make this into a website where we can have a community with message boards and such. Until then lets focus on our next story!

Saturday, April 16, 2016


HI Everyone, this site or blog will be a work in progress. The goal for this page is for it to be a safe place to share our stories about Shitbag Customers without violating and agreements we all have to make when we got hired at our jobs. I'm going to create a list of rules we need to follow and once we have that down we can get this party started!

I have an email set up for this page
This is so you can email the stories and I can post them so your boss can't track where the story came from! Mwuahahahaha!

I'm getting ahead of myself. Let me figure out what the rules need to be then we'll start unloading on all the shitbag customers that make our world a shitty place to work in.