Sunday, April 17, 2016

Intro and Ground rules

To The Oppressed and The Bullied,
          When I was a kid I was taught to be a good person, to treat others with respect. In some way I thought we as people were supposed to try and leave this world a better place than we found it. That good will always overcome evil. As I got older I found that to be untrue.
          Good doesn't always win, sometimes people get things stolen from them and there is no way to get them back. Money can be replaced but honor and respect are hard to get back. That's why I started this blog. It's for those of us in the world who need to fight back against selfish assholes that make this world such horrible place to be in at times.
          However, before we get started we should set some boundaries so we don't become worse than the people we're writing about, so let us set some rules shall we?

          1. Anonymity- In order to protect myself as well as your employment we will need to make sure nothing is traced back to the person who is telling the story. Any names or places of said       story shall be changed to protect....our asses basically.
          2. Don't be a hateful jerk. I'm not going to print any story that bashes someone because of the race or creed....only their behavior .
          3. Any pics that are submitted must have the faces or logos of place of business edited out. Do   we want to stick it to these shitbags? Yes we do , but lets protect ourselves from any liable suits shall we?
          4. I am not a priest or a counselor. If you send me a story about you doing something illegal and I get asked about it from any law enforcement agency I will corporate with any information that I was given by the person who submitted the story. To clarify, law enforcement and companies are not considered the same thing. A detective wants answers, I will give them. Your boss wants answers from me, I'm not saying anything.
          5. Any story that is submitted to this page is not guaranteed to be published. Depending on the story or the quantity or stories that are submitted I might not be able to publish everyone. Do a good job or writing a story and it will eventually get up.
          6. This blog is a "fictional" blog, as any similarities between characters in the stories and persons alive or dead is purely coincidental.

Submitting a story is easy. How this will work is you send your story via email to
Make sure you follow the rules above and give yourself a screen name so I can credit the person who wrote the story.

As with all works of art, things will need to grow. If this blog does well I'll make this into a website where we can have a community with message boards and such. Until then lets focus on our next story!

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